After the success of movie of Rockstar Bollwood actor Nargis Fakhri on Friday unveiled the all new Range Rover Evoque at the DLF Emporio in Vasant Kunj in the national capital. This car was launched in India on the 4th November through the 'Evoque Experience' which allowed customers to get up close to the car and through the use of interactive displays, provided an insight into the sophisticated design as well as the functional and technological qualities of the car.
Rohit Suri, Head of the Jaguar Land Rover India said:"We are extremely excited about the arrival of the Range Rover Evoque in New Delhi, as this car has made a huge impact on potential customers in this city as it has done across the world".
The Range Rover Evoque is the most exciting vehicle in a generation and has a blend of bold and sophisticated design with clever technology that is relevant and intuitive to use. The Evoque masters all surfaces and weathers, using legendary Land Rover all-terrain technologies.
Like every Range Rover vehicle, Range Rover Evoque optimizes performance, capability and safety in all on and off road conditions. It does this by employing Terrain Response which adapts the engine, transmission and electronic systems to handle uneven, muddy, slushy and stone surfaces with ease.
Rohit Suri, Head of the Jaguar Land Rover India said:"We are extremely excited about the arrival of the Range Rover Evoque in New Delhi, as this car has made a huge impact on potential customers in this city as it has done across the world".
The Range Rover Evoque is the most exciting vehicle in a generation and has a blend of bold and sophisticated design with clever technology that is relevant and intuitive to use. The Evoque masters all surfaces and weathers, using legendary Land Rover all-terrain technologies.
Like every Range Rover vehicle, Range Rover Evoque optimizes performance, capability and safety in all on and off road conditions. It does this by employing Terrain Response which adapts the engine, transmission and electronic systems to handle uneven, muddy, slushy and stone surfaces with ease.